(22-3)(作成中)日本語訳:慰安婦問題とは(What is the 'comfort women' issue all about?)
What is the 'comfort women' issue all about?(08/22)
Q: What are comfort women?
(直訳)Q 慰安婦は何ですか?
(元記事)Q 慰安婦とは何か。
A: Women who were forced to serve as sexual partners of military personnel at comfort stations created under the involvement of the Japanese military during a time of war.
(直訳)A 戦時中、日本軍の関与の下に作られた慰安所で、軍人の性的パートナーとしての役
(元記事)A 戦時中、日本軍の関与の下で作られた慰安所で、将兵の性の相手を強いられた女
In the statement released by the government in August 1993 under the name of Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono (the Kono statement), there was wording that said, "this was an act, with the involvement of the military authorities of the day, that severely injured the honor and dignity of many women."
※ 参考:河野談話
Statement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono
on the result of the study on the issue of "comfort women"
Q: What kind of people were forced to become comfort women?
(直訳)Q どんな人たちが慰安婦になることを余儀なくされた?
(元記事)Q どんな人々が慰安婦にされたのか。
A: Besides Japanese who lived in Japan proper, women from the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan, which were under Japanese colonial rule, were also made to become comfort women.
(元記事)A 日本本土(内地)の日本人のほか、日本の植民地だった朝鮮半島や台湾出身者も慰安婦にされた。
In line with invasions by Japan, comfort stations were also created in China, the Philippines, Burma (present-day Myanmar), Malaysia and other areas.
Local women were sent to those comfort stations.
(元記事) 現地女性も送り込まれた。
In Indonesia, which was under Dutch colonial rule at that time, Indonesian women as well as Dutch women who were living there at the time were made to become comfort women.
(元記事) オランダの植民地だったインドネシアでは現地女性のほか、現地在住のオランダ人も慰安婦とされた。
In 1938, the government issued a directive that said Japanese women who were to go to China to work as comfort women should be limited to "prostitutes who were 21 years or older."
This was likely because of a treaty banning the sale of women and children which prohibited human trafficking or prostitution of women under 21 or children.
However, when the government ratified the treaty in 1925, it exempted its colonies from coverage under the treaty.
For that reason, girls who were still minors and not prostitutes in the colonies and occupied areas also became comfort women.
(元記事) このため植民地や占領地では売春婦でない未成年女子も対象となった。
There are records of girls as young as 17 in the Korean Peninsula and 14 in Taiwan who became comfort women.
(元記事) 朝鮮からは17歳、台湾からは14歳の少女が慰安婦とされたとの記録がある。
Q: How many comfort women were there?
(直訳)Q どれくらい多くの慰安婦がいたのか?
(元記事)Q 何人くらいいたのか。
A: Because there are no official records for the total number, there are only various estimates made by researchers.
(直訳)A 総数には公式記録が存在しないため、研究者に推計した色磯な推測しかない。
(元記事)A 総数を示す公式記録はなく、研究者の推計しかない。
Ikuhiko Hata, a historian of the contemporary period, made an estimate in 1993 of between 60,000 and 90,000.
In 1999, he revised that estimate to about 20,000.
Yoshiaki Yoshimi, a professor of modern and contemporary Japanese history at Chuo University, made an estimate in 1995 of between 50,000 and 200,000.
Recently, he has revised that figure to more than 50,000.
There are people in South Korea and China who have given much higher figures.
What is the 'comfort women' issue all about?
Q: What are comfort women?
A: Women who were forced to serve as sexual partners of military personnel at comfort
stations created under the involvement of the Japanese military during a time of war.
In the statement released by the government in August 1993 under the name of Chief
Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono (the Kono statement), there was wording that said, "this
was an act, with the involvement of the military authorities of the day, that severely
injured the honor and dignity of many women."
Q: What kind of people were forced to become comfort women?
A: Besides Japanese who lived in Japan proper, women from the Korean Peninsula and
Taiwan, which were under Japanese colonial rule, were also made to become comfort
women. In line with invasions by Japan, comfort stations were also created in China,
the Philippines, Burma (present-day Myanmar), Malaysia and other areas. Local women
were sent to those comfort stations. In Indonesia, which was under Dutch colonial rule
at that time, Indonesian women as well as Dutch women who were living there at the time
were made to become comfort women.
In 1938, the government issued a directive that said Japanese women who were to go to
China to work as comfort women should be limited to "prostitutes who were 21 years or
older." This was likely because of a treaty banning the sale of women and children
which prohibited human trafficking or prostitution of women under 21 or children.
However, when the government ratified the treaty in 1925, it exempted its colonies from
coverage under the treaty. For that reason, girls who were still minors and not
prostitutes in the colonies and occupied areas also became comfort women. There are
records of girls as young as 17 in the Korean Peninsula and 14 in Taiwan who became
comfort women.
Q: How many comfort women were there?
A: Because there are no official records for the total number, there are only various
estimates made by researchers. Ikuhiko Hata, a historian of the contemporary period,
made an estimate in 1993 of between 60,000 and 90,000. In 1999, he revised that
estimate to about 20,000. Yoshiaki Yoshimi, a professor of modern and contemporary
Japanese history at Chuo University, made an estimate in 1995 of between 50,000 and
200,000. Recently, he has revised that figure to more than 50,000. There are people in
South Korea and China who have given much higher figures.
Q: When and how were comfort stations created?
A: In 1932, the year after the Manchurian Incident, rapes of Chinese women by Japanese
soldiers occurred during the Shanghai Incident. According to some records, in order to
prevent a heightening of anti-Japanese sentiment, groups of comfort women were invited
from Kyushu exclusively for military personnel and civilian workers for the military.
Subsequently, other reasons that were given for creating comfort stations were to
prevent a decline in war capability due to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases
as well as to prevent the leaking of military secrets and to provide comfort to
military personnel.
Q: How were the comfort women gathered?
A: In many cases, agents who acted in line with the military's intentions, recruited
women first in Japan and then in the colonial areas of the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan.
It has also been known that there were many cases in which the women were fooled by
being told, "There is good work available," or in which they were sold off by their
On the other hand, in such occupied areas as the Philippines and Indonesia, there are
records of women being taken away through the direct use of violence by the Japanese
military. According to a 2002 report by the Philippine government, there were cases of
the Japanese military using violence to abduct and forcibly take away local women who
were then kept at churches and hospitals used as barracks by the Japanese military and
repeatedly gang-raped.
Q: What was the life of comfort women like?
A: On the Internet site of the Asian Women's Fund, there is wording that says "while it
was certain soldiers directly or indirectly made payments (at the comfort stations), it
is unclear how that money was given to the comfort women." It is believed that there
were differences in how the women were treated depending on the location and the status
of the war.
In 1993, the government also released the results of its investigation along with the
Kono statement. The report said the women "were forced to lead a life without freedom
since they were made to act along with the military while always being under military
supervision in the front lines of combat."
Q: How did the comfort women issue become to be known in Japan?
A: From shortly after the end of the war, accounts of their experiences given by
military personnel made mention of such women. In June 1970, Kako Senda wrote in the
Shukan Shincho weekly magazine about accounts given by women who said they were made to
work as comfort women along with statements made by those who once had ties to the
military. In 1973, he published a reportage titled "Jugun Ianfu" (Military comfort
women). At that time, the women were considered as part of a secret history of the war.
Q: How did the topic become an issue of interest between Japan and South Korea?
A: In January 1990, Yun Chung-ok, a professor at Ewha Womans University, wrote a series
of articles in The Hankyoreh newspaper in South Korea about the comfort women issue
titled "A Report of Coverage of Footprints of Grudge of The Volunteer Corps." The visit
in May 1990 by South Korean President Roh Tae-woo to Japan served as a catalyst for an
increase in calls seeking an apology and compensation from Japan by South Koreans who
were made to serve in the Japanese military or work as civilians for the military on
the Korean Peninsula, which was under Japanese colonial rule.
* * *
Major events related to the comfort women issue (positions of individuals at that time)
August 1991: Former comfort woman in South Korea comes forward about her past for the
first time.
December 1991: Former comfort women file lawsuit against Japanese government.
Government begins investigation.
January 1992: Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa apologizes in meeting with South Korean
July 1992: Government announces results of investigation and acknowledges involvement
of government.
August 1993: Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono issues a statement acknowledging the
recruitment, transfer and control of women were conducted generally against their will
and expressing "apologies and remorse." (Kono statement)
August 1994: Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama issues a statement expressing the
intention to find "an appropriate way which enables a wide participation of people" to
resolve the comfort women issue.
July 1995: The private-sector Asian Women's Fund is established under the initiative of
the government. The fund implements an "atonement project," including the giving of
"atonement money" to former comfort women, based on donations from the Japanese people.
March 2007: The fund is closed.
July 2007: The U.S. House of Representatives passes a resolution seeking an apology
from Japan regarding the comfort women issue.
June 2014: The government releases results of a study into the process behind
compilation of the Kono statement.
Q 慰安婦とは何か。
A 戦時中、日本軍の関与の下で作られた慰安所で、将兵の性の相手を強いられた女性。政府
Q どんな人々が慰安婦にされたのか。
A 日本本土(内地)の日本人のほか、日本の植民地だった朝鮮半島や台湾出身者も慰安婦に
Q 何人くらいいたのか。
A 総数を示す公式記録はなく、研究者の推計しかない。現代史家の秦郁彦氏は93年に6万
Q 慰安所はいつ、どんな経緯で作られたのか。
A 満州事変の翌年、32年の上海事変で日本兵が中国人女性を強姦(ごうかん)する事件が
Q どのようにして集められたのか。
A 多くの場合、軍の意向を受けた業者がまず日本国内で、さらに植民地の朝鮮や台湾で集め
Q 慰安婦の暮らしは?
A アジア女性基金のサイトでは「(慰安所で)兵士は代金を直接間接に払っていたのはたし
Q 慰安婦問題が国内で知られるようになった経緯は。
A 戦後まもない時期から兵士の体験談や手記で触れられていた。70年6月、作家の故千田
Q 日韓間の問題として認識されたいきさつは。
A 90年1月、尹貞玉(ユンジョンオク)・梨花女子大教授が韓国ハンギョレ新聞に「挺身
8月 韓国で元慰安婦が初めて名乗り出る
12月 元慰安婦が日本政府を提訴。政府が調査開始
1月 宮沢喜一首相が日韓首脳会談で謝罪
7月 政府が調査結果発表。政府の関与を認める
8月 河野洋平官房長官が談話で慰安婦の募集、移送、管理に強制性を認め「お詫(わ)びと反
8月 村山富市首相が談話で慰安婦問題の解決策について「幅広い国民参加の道を探求したい」
7月 政府主導で民間のアジア女性基金が発足。国民の寄付をもとに「償い金」を元慰安婦に支
3月 基金が解散
7月 米下院、慰安婦問題で対日謝罪要求決議を採択
6月 政府が河野談話作成過程の検証結果を公表
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