


(22-1)日本語訳:慰安婦問題を考える(Thinking about the comfort women issue)

Thinking about the comfort women issue

○ Look squarely at essence of 'comfort women' issue
(元記事)慰安婦問題の本質 直視を

By Nobuyuki Sugiura Executive Editor (8/22)
(直訳)編集責任者・杉浦信之 (8/22)

Response to questions raised by readers about our coverage of the comfort women issue
(元記事)慰安婦問題どう伝えたか 読者の疑問に答えます

We have re-examined our coverage of the "comfort women" issue in order to respond to the various questions from our readers about that coverage by The Asahi Shimbun.

 We would now like to report on the results of that re-examination to our readers.

 (By the team of reporters examining the comfort women issue)

 The positions included in the articles are those of the individuals at that point in time.

The ages of reporters given are current.

Unless there is an explanation, all the articles are from the version published by the Tokyo head office of The Asahi Shimbun.

○ What is the 'comfort women' issue all about?(08/22)

○ Forcibly taken away: Coercion that led to lost freedom existed(08/22)
(元記事)強制連行 自由を奪われた強制性あった(08/05)

○ Testimony about 'forcible taking away of women on Jeju Island': Judged to be fabrication because supporting evidence not found(08/22)
(元記事)「済州島で連行」証言 裏付け得られず虚偽と判断(08/05)

○ 'Documents showing military involvement': Government officials aware of existence before reporting in Asahi(08/22)
(元記事)「軍関係示す資料」 本紙報道前に政府も存在把握(08/05)

○ Confusion with 'volunteer corps': Insufficient research at that time led to comfort
women and volunteer corps seen as the same(08/22)
(元記事)「挺身隊」との混同 当時は研究が乏しく同一視(08/05)

○ 'First testimony by former comfort woman': No twisting of facts in article(08/22)
(元記事)「元慰安婦 初の証言」 記事に事実のねじ曲げない(08/05)

○ Reporting by other newspapers(08/22)
(元記事) 他紙の報道は(08/05)

How did problems emerge in the Japan-South Korea relationship?


How did the comfort women issue develop into a political and diplomatic matter?

Why has the relationship between Japan and South Korea become so troubled despite the efforts of the two governments to resolve the issue, and why has that situation continued until today?

 (By the team of reporters examining the comfort women issue)

 The positions included in the articles are those of the individuals at that point in time.


○ The South Korean government praised the contents of the Kono statement(08/22)
(元記事)河野談話 韓国政府も内容評価(08/06)

○ Citizens groups opposed Asian Women's Fund(08/22)

○ Issue became pressing matter again after decision by Constitutional Court of Korea

Thinking about the comfort women issue
○ Look squarely at essence of 'comfort women' issue
By Nobuyuki Sugiura Executive Editor (8/22)
Response to questions raised by readers about our coverage of the comfort women issue
We have re-examined our coverage of the "comfort women" issue in order to respond to
the various questions from our readers about that coverage by The Asahi Shimbun.
 We would now like to report on the results of that re-examination to our readers.
 (By the team of reporters examining the comfort women issue)
 The positions included in the articles are those of the individuals at that point in
time. The ages of reporters given are current. Unless there is an explanation, all the
articles are from the version published by the Tokyo head office of The Asahi Shimbun.
○ What is the 'comfort women' issue all about?(08/22)
○ Forcibly taken away: Coercion that led to lost freedom existed(08/22)
○ Testimony about 'forcible taking away of women on Jeju Island': Judged to be
fabrication because supporting evidence not found(08/22)
○ 'Documents showing military involvement': Government officials aware of existence
before reporting in Asahi(08/22)
○ Confusion with 'volunteer corps': Insufficient research at that time led to comfort
women and volunteer corps seen as the same(08/22)
○ 'First testimony by former comfort woman': No twisting of facts in article(08/22)
○ Reporting by other newspapers(08/22)
How did problems emerge in the Japan-South Korea relationship?
How did the comfort women issue develop into a political and diplomatic matter? Why has
the relationship between Japan and South Korea become so troubled despite the efforts
of the two governments to resolve the issue, and why has that situation continued until
 (By the team of reporters examining the comfort women issue)
 The positions included in the articles are those of the individuals at that point in
○ The South Korean government praised the contents of the Kono statement(08/22)
○ Citizens groups opposed Asian Women's Fund(08/22)
○ Issue became pressing matter again after decision by Constitutional Court of Korea
○ 慰安婦問題の本質 直視を 編集担当・杉浦信之(8/5)

慰安婦問題どう伝えたか 読者の疑問に答えます
○ 慰安婦問題とは(08/05)
○ 強制連行 自由を奪われた強制性あった(08/05)
○ 「済州島で連行」証言 裏付け得られず虚偽と判断(08/05)
○ 「軍関係示す資料」 本紙報道前に政府も存在把握(08/05)
○ 「挺身隊」との混同 当時は研究が乏しく同一視(08/05)
○ 「元慰安婦 初の証言」 記事に事実のねじ曲げない(08/05)
○ 他紙の報道は(08/05)
○ 河野談話 韓国政府も内容評価(08/06)
○ アジア女性基金に市民団体反発(08/06)
○ 韓国憲法裁決定で再び懸案に(08/06)
○ 女性への暴力、国際社会は注視 キャロル・グラックさん(08/06)
○ 「忘れない」と言い続けよう マイク・モチヅキさん(08/06)
慰安婦問題特集 3氏に聞く
○ 秦郁彦さん 現代史家
○ 吉見義明さん 中央大教授
○ 小熊英二さん 慶応大教授

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